From Preparing for Pregnancy to Conception

(Photo taken during CNY 2012 with my niece, Naomi)

Ever since misterchewy and I registered our marriage in September 2011, many of our close friends have been teasing us about the possibility of popping a Chewy Junior. Eh hello friends, want to pop baby then pop meh? LOL. We had to wait till our customary wedding was over before we could set up a family! Our baby is planned such that my EDD will take place early 2014 even though our BTO will not be ready anytime soon. Age is a concern (not that we are very old!) but we would like to have at least 2 or 3 kids so we gotta start early. I don’t wanna end up giving birth to our second or third child after 35 because of the possible risks and complications. Preparing for pregnancy and getting ready for a baby is very important because it will affect how both parents deal with the news! ๐Ÿ™‚


About one month prior to trying to conceive, I started taking Blackmores Folate tablets which I bought off the shelves at Unity. The consumption of folic acid may reduce the risk of giving birth to a child with birth defects of the brain and/or spinal cord. I chose Blackmores because it’s a reputable brand and each tablet contains 500mcg of folic acid which is around the recommended daily dosage. Unity sells its own housebrand folic pills as well and at a much cheaper price. I also reduced my alcohol consumption (it was tough!) and started to be more mindful of my diet. I’m not sure what misterchewy did on his part. Probably hit the gym more often? Hahaha. The first trimester, or you can call it first 12 weeks if you like, was an absolute nightmare. I’m thankful that the first 3 weeks whizzed by because I didn’t feel a thing but suspected that I could be pregnant because I was missing my period by a week. Ignorance is bliss huh? ๐Ÿ˜›


As a first timer, I was horribly embarrassed about having to shop for a pregnancy test kit at Watsons so I picked up a few makeup items while making my way to the cashier. Went home and peed on the Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator. I recommend this pregnancy test because it lets you know the number of weeks you are pregnant for. It totally ups the excitement levels. I mean, don’t you wish to know that? We had our arms around each others’ waists while waiting for the results and I actually gasped, “F***!!” when the test showed that I was 3+ weeks pregnant. How could I not feel a thing for so long?! I’m carrying a life inside me! :O We were overwhelmed with joy as this marks another significant milestone in our lives and relationship. Shared the good news with our parents that week. ๐Ÿ™‚

In my next pregnancy post (not the next post), I will be touching on what mummies-to-be should take note of during their first trimester! Stay connected with us on Facebook and on Instagram @missuschewy and @misterchewy ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m 5 months pregnant at the time of writing.

Welcoming a New Addition to our Chewy Family!

Chewy Junior at 5 months

Hello chewys! We have some exciting news to share with all of you today!
It is with great pleasure to announce that misterchewy and I will be welcoming a new addition to our Chewy family! ๐Ÿ™‚

Little misschewy is expected to arrive in March next year! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€
Our close friends whom we have shared this piece of news with were very quick to point out that Chewy Junior will be a perfect one year customary wedding anniversary present for us. LOL.


Sorry for keeping you guys in the dark for so long because we wanted to find out Baby Chewy’s gender before announcing. Right now, I’m halfway through my second trimester and I have never felt happier! Will talk about my first trimester really soon. Promise! Till then, take care everyone! XOXO

Stay connected with us on Facebook and on Instagram @missuschewy and @misterchewy ๐Ÿ™‚