Kidsme Food Feeder and Baby Products

Media Invite


Really happy to be invited to my first ever mummy blogger event which was held at Roosevelt’s Diner and Bar earlier this month! Great opportunity for me to meet fellow mummies who are so much more experienced than I am! Bumped into Mummy Serene, whom I first met a few years ago when I was doing an independent study module on motherese back in my uni days. The event turned out to be splendid because I got to learn about really cool baby food feeding products which Little misschewy will be exposed to in time to come 🙂


We didn’t bring Chanelle along because at barely 2 months old then, she was too young for her first hand experience of the products. I think all the other mummy bloggers were at the event with their kids and the young ones looked super adorable! *Pinch cheeks* 😛


Here’s Qiqi, the founder of Totsworld Pte Ltd, demonstrating how to use the various Kidsme products. She first launched Kidsme Singapore in Singapore Expo this April.



This is the award-winning Kidsme Food Feeder ($18.90), developed to let little ones safely and independently explore new tastes and textures at an early age without the risk of choking. Its innovative yet simple design gives babies a head start towards a lifetime of healthy eating. It also helps in developing babies’ fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.


You can feed your little one pureed or solid food to encourage chewing. Do you know that the act of chewing not only aids in better digestion and nutrients absorption, but is also crucial for speech development?


The Silicone Sacs (2 for $10.90) are medical-grade and can be sterilized. You are strongly encouraged to replace them once every few months and these silicone sacs come in different sizes.


Obviously, so much thought has been given to come up with Kidsme Food Feeder with all the amazing features listed above. If you notice, Kidsme Food Feeder looks like a pacifier except that it has small little handles which encourage self-feeding with its ergonomic design that makes it easy for little hands to hold on to. The textured sac cleverly doubles up as a teether too.


Hehe.. Mummy Jolin’s small J exploring Kidsme Food Feeder with much interest.


Mummy Maggie’s daughter, Kayliss, looks like a huge fan of Kidsme Food Feeder already! As you can see, it is a useful tool in introducing new types of food to your child 🙂 I’m gonna start thinking about the very first solid food that I would like Chanelle to try!


Kidsme Multi-Function Food Scissors ($16.90) is another wonderful product. As its name suggests, this food scissors has different functions – it can cut, mash and scoop! Whether at home or on the go, Kidsme Multi-Function Food Scissors makes mealtime safe, fun and also convenient. Its biaxial system and stainless steel cutlery-grade blades allow you to safely, easily and efficiently cut your children’s food into small pieces. Even meat or fruit can be mashed into safe bite-sized pieces which helps reduce the risk of choking. With Kidsme Multi-Function Food Scissors, you can even turn food into cool shapes!



I had actually bought a strawberry-shaped teether for Chanelle at the Taka Baby Fair earlier this year because I love strawberries. But now, I think I’m gonna keep that aside and let her use this Kidsme Icy Moo Moo Soother ($14.90) once she begins to show signs of teething! Don’t you think it looks cute?


One thing I like about Kidsme Icy Moo Moo Soother is that the travel-friendly cap can also be used as an ice pop mold. Simply fill the mold with fruit juice or even your breast milk, dip the soother in and pop the whole thing into the freezer. Viola! You have a nice icy treat for your little one in no time 🙂


The textured, silicone teats also provide much comfort to sore gums.


I have seen quite a number of milk bottles on the market but this Kidsme PPSU Diamond Wide Neck Milk Bottle ($42.90) is really one of a kind. It combines elegance, modern design, and premium PPSU material to create the most exquisite bottle for your baby. It takes inspiration from the Sancy Diamond, a magnificent pale yellow, shield-shaped 55 carat diamond. PPSU is one of the safest bottle materials available today, and offers superb clarity and durability. The flexible, removable handles provide ease and comfort to your baby while feeding.


Because of its durability, it can withstand falls from various heights without breaking. This milk bottle certainly looks classy! I’m sure it’s gonna grab a lot of attention when Chanelle uses it 🙂


Here are some of the food items from the kids menu that we tried at Roosevelt’s after the event. Roosevelt’s prides itself as a kids friendly diner so I foresee myself going back for a meal with misterchewy and Chanelle some day! Besides a kids menu, Roosevelt’s provides baby high chairs and kids cutlery. Rest assured that only healthy, non processed food is used for dishes under the kids menu.



The hubs and I totally love the Buttermilk Waffles with Mixed Berries! Definitely one of the better tasting waffles that we have had so far!


Stay connected with us on Facebook and on Instagram @missuschewy and @misterchewy 🙂